Thursday, October 29, 2009


Servite religious life has always been a community of brothers, many of whom are priests , united in the Lord to live fraternally according to the Gospel. The Servites understand fraternity as an invitation to see the values of community living.

Each Servite community is called to offer to the world a witness of compassionate love which consists in the fullest service of the Lord and of the people of God in imitation of Jesus and Mary.

The person of Mary has the special place in the lives of every Servites. Challenging us to develop attitudes of welcoming the Lord, who calls us to respond to his invitation to holiness as Mary did when she said, “ I am the servant of the Lord.”


The Order of Servants of Mary was founded in Florence (Firenze), Italy in the 13th century. It ranks as one of the Mendicant Orders, alongside with the Franciscan, Dominicans, Carmelites, and Augustinians. The Order began with a group of rich merchants in the city of Florence, during the time when that flourishing city was disturbed by political factions and religious relaxation. These holy men are Bonfilius Monaldi, Bonajuncta Manetti, Manettus dell’Antella, Amideus Amidei, Sosthenes Sostegni, Hugo Uguccioni, and Alexis Falconieri. Some records show that two of them were widows, two were married, and the rest were celibate.
It was in the year 1233 when these Florentine friends decided to reform their lives through prayer and acts of charity. Finding the “pearl of great price” and inspired by the Blessed Virgin Mary, they left their families and their business for the sake of the Kingdom of God. They went outside the city walls and lived a life of prayer, simplicity and closeness to the poor. Later on, they were called by the people as the “Servants of Mary.”
Some years later, they went further from the city, to Monte Senario, where they lived in great austerity and contemplation. Here, others came to join them. In 1249, they were recognized as a religious Order, living by the ‘Rule of St. Augustine’. Being ministers of peace and apostles of charity, they recalled men of hatred and pride to brotherly love and humility. These Seven Holy Fathers of the Order of Servants of Mary were canonized together by Pope Leo XIII in 1888, emphasizing their fraternal charism.
The seed of the Servite Order was sown in the Philippines on August 23, 1984 (feastday of St. Philip Benizi,OSM: illustrious promoter of the Order). Fr. Gerardo Maestrami, Fr. Ettore Turrini, Fr. Tarcisio Roffi, Fr. Luigi Ilari, Fr. Giuseppe Benassi, and Fr. Gino Leonardi were the Italian friars who nourished the Philippine Servite foundation. When the friars decided to take a parish, the late Jaime Cardinal Sin entrusted the Tunasan, Muntinlupa City, which was dedicated under the protection of St. Peregrine Laziosi,OSM (patron of cancer patients).
The ‘Foundation’ was raised as ‘Delegation’ in 1998. Years later, on December 4, 2004, the Delegation was canonically erected as the St. Peregrine Philippine Vicariate.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Jesus wept over Jerusalem. His heart was not closed to others. He was
not absorbed in himself or his own problems. He freely offered his
life for others. Others rejected him, but he never rejected them. He
was not bitter to those who would make him suffer. He loved and never
ceases to love. Jesus sets an example for us to follow. We need to be
open to the needs of those around us, even to those that may persecute

Jesus loved his enemies. He prayed for those who persecuted him. He
blessed those who cursed him. He sought only their good, and he
sacrificed himself for them. He shows us the way to live an
authentically Christian life. To be faithful to him, we need to reach
out in love even to those people who don't think and act like us.

Let us always follow the inspirations of the Holy Spirit. Perhaps
there is something good that we want to do, instead we hesitate and
draw back. We should give the best of ourselves to God and to others
and continue with our good works even when we are tired. This is the
path to our true happiness. Let us not draw back when we encounter
obstacles. Instead, let us press forward seeking only to do God's
will. When faced with our struggles, let us remember that Jesus is
always with us and that we are never alone.


Hello Philippines